Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0005767, Tue, 27 Feb 2001 09:42:49 -0800


While we are on the VN/Sherlock Holmes thread, there should be mention
of VN's anecdote in a 1940 _Novoe russkoe slovo_ interview quoted by

"One day I went into a barber's shop [shortly after arriving in New
York]. After a few words with me the barber said: 'You can see at once
that you are an Englishman, you have just arrived in America, and you
work in the papers'. 'How did you figure that out?' I asked, surprised
by his penetration.'Because your pronunciation is English, because you
haven't had time to wear out your European shoes, and because you have
the high forehead and the sort of head typical of newspaper workers.'
'You're Sherlock Holmes himself," I flattered the barber. 'Who's
Sherlock Holmes?' (13). "

I see that Boyd also remarks (252) on the parallel of Sherlock Holmes
and Shirley Holmes, director of Camp Q.
Now that all the sources have appeared on NABOKV-L, an article is only
hours away :)! Please note this is the first use of an emoticon on