Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0005519, Sun, 8 Oct 2000 11:52:36 -0700

Fw: Lolita's dates
lines) ------------------
I should have said that not all of the errors are authorial, for I
believe that some of Nabokov's own calculations in Lolita are erroneous.
That aside, Prof. Boyd in his essay(In the computer format, page 2) says:

Nabokov always aims for exactitude. He does not allow us simply to lean
on evidence, as the revisionists have to do; he makes it click into place.

That this might be another instance of that attempt at exactitude is my
only attempt at an explanation.


On Sat, 7 Oct 2000, D. Barton Johnson wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kiran Krishna" <kiran@Physics.usyd.edu.au>
A question for Kiran Krishna: if the inconsistent dates "are neither
authorial errors nor indications" that HH fantasizes the visit and murder,
what options does that open? Simply alluding to HH's self-aknowledged
"incomplete memory" doesn't seem to lead to a solution.