Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0006562, Sun, 19 May 2002 09:11:45 -0700

Speak, Memory again (fwd)
From: Kiran Krishna <kiran@Physics.usyd.edu.au>

Looking at the New Criterion web archive, I came across an interesting
poem by Elizabeth Spires, which can be found here:


Am I being too fanciful in seeing a link here to Speak, Memory, in the
first part?:

You find me in every photograph,
gravely staring out at you,
whispering sotto voce, "Remember..."
You try to walk away but can't.
Dear one, you must carry me,
carry me on your back.


Kiran Krishna
3rd yr physics
(Falkiner High Energy Physics)
University of Sydney
NSW 2006


The five rules of Socialism:

1. Don't think

2. If you do think, don't speak

3. If you think and speak, don't write

4. If you think, speak and write, don't sign

5. If you think, speak, write and sign, don't be surprised
