Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0010231, Sun, 8 Aug 2004 09:27:20 -0700

Re: FWD: TT-10 fit? (fwd)

Fit does indeed run all through the novel, and its
appearance on the box appears to mark it as a theme.
5 - The cardboard box, 14 the fitting room, 20 spectral fits, 27 in fits
and starts, 30 remarkably fit, looking fit, 38 she liked people to fit,
The Swiss boy fitted, 53 close fitting, 75 which fitted the picture, 79
slept fitfullly There are probably more.
Is it just possibly passe compose' from faire and acting as part of a
signature, as one might find on a painting? Did French painters ever use
fit (rather than the Latin) as part of their signature?

Any other suggestions about the meaning in the literature?

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EDNOTE. Akiko and Eric almost certainly on to something with their FIT
speculations. Further ideas?

D. Barton Johnson