Fwd: sent dreams?
EDNOTE. Can someone cites chapter and verse in answer to Carolyn's query?
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Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2005 18:49:16 -0800
From: Carolyn Kunin <>
Reply-To: Carolyn Kunin <>
Subject: sent dreams?
----------------- Message requiring your approval (14 lines)
Dear Don &/or Alexey,
I checked the Boyd biography for "J W Dunne" and there it was - - the
experiment Don referred to. But it had nothing to do with the dead
communicating with the living as I expected. VN wanted to test Dunne's
theory that time moves backwards and forwards & in dreams we sometimes see
the future.
What has this to do with my query regarding the dead "sending dreams" to the
living? I would appreciate it if either of you or anyone else could give me
an example of this kind of thing in VN's fiction (aside from "The Vane
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----- Forwarded message from -----
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2005 18:49:16 -0800
From: Carolyn Kunin <>
Reply-To: Carolyn Kunin <>
Subject: sent dreams?
----------------- Message requiring your approval (14 lines)
Dear Don &/or Alexey,
I checked the Boyd biography for "J W Dunne" and there it was - - the
experiment Don referred to. But it had nothing to do with the dead
communicating with the living as I expected. VN wanted to test Dunne's
theory that time moves backwards and forwards & in dreams we sometimes see
the future.
What has this to do with my query regarding the dead "sending dreams" to the
living? I would appreciate it if either of you or anyone else could give me
an example of this kind of thing in VN's fiction (aside from "The Vane
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