Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0011327, Fri, 15 Apr 2005 15:25:03 -0700

Re: question about Scrabble
EDNOTE. I once checked this out when I wrote a piece called "Taking Nabokov
Clitorally: The Scrabble Game in ADA". I no longer have a Russian
Scabble board
but I hope someone out there can helplexey on this one. He, has, BTW, done a
full Russian translation of ADA and published numerous VN studies.

Quoting Alexey Sklyarenko <skylark05@mail.ru>:

> Dear scramblers on the List!
> Could you tell me how many points the letter ? ("Ch") is worth in the
> Russian Scrabble of the American variety (Nabokov's "Flavita")? I
> know that in the Soviet version, commercially known as "Erudit," it
> is worth five points and there are two letters in the set. Am I right
> in supposing that in a "Flavita" set either there are three Ch's, or
> the letter is worth more points?
> Thank you,
> Alexey