Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0013369, Thu, 28 Sep 2006 08:43:45 -0400

George Shimanovich on circular structures and symmetry in Pale
> There is no middle part of Pale Fire, and no evidence as far as I know, apart from Kinbote's unsubstantiated assertion that, in the second part, the poem itself, line 1000 = line 1.

I meant the poem itself which is situated between forward and commentary. After all, the poem written by Shade is sandwiched between Kinbote’s parts, one before, two after. As for Kinbote’s assertions I did not rely on it – just on my artistic sense. And until a better “round the corner” line is found I’ll stick with the first. In chess sometimes simple moves win the game.

- George

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