Bibliographic entries by year: 1999
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected year (162 in total).
- Solus Rex, v. 36, Seminarii literatury, 1999, details ,
- Aestheticism, Nabokov, and Lolita, v. 31, Studies in American literature, 1999, Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, details ,
- Nabokov and Hershenzon, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- On the manner of construction of the image of house-time in Nabokov’s works, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The Journey towards Nabokov’s “The Gift”, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Patterns of “Eugene Onegin” in Nabokov's “Universitetskaya Poema”, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Nabokov's Trinity: On the Movement of a Nabokov Theme, Connolly, Julian W., ed., Nabokov and His Fiction: New Perspectives, 1999, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, details ,
- The Evolution of the Theme of Pushkin in Nabokov's Novels, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Imagination and Literature in the Russian Prose of Vladimir Nabokov, 1999, PhD diss., University of Essex, details ,
- Imagination of Literature in the Russian Prose of Vladimir Nabokov, 1999, PhD diss., University of Essex, details ,
- King and Knight (on “The Captain's Daughter” and “The Real Life of Sebastian Knight”), Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Nabokov as Interpreter of “Eugene Onegin”, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- St. Petersburg, the Crimea, and the Myth of the Eternal Return (“Mary” and “Eugene Onegin”), Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Nabokov's Resurrection, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Naturally Playful: An Introduction, Funke, Sarah, and Glenn Horowitz, eds., Véra’s Butterflies, 1999, New York: Glenn Horowitz, details ,
- Introduction [to Speak, Memory], 1999, New York: Everyman, details ,
- Nabokov's Pale Fire: The Magic of Artistic Discovery, 1999, Princeton: Princeton University Press, details ,
- Nabokov, Pushkin and Shakespeare: Genius, Generosity and Gratitude in Dar and Pale Fire, New Zealand Slavonic Journal, 1999, details ,
- Nabokov, Pushkin, Shakespeare, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- The Nabokov Centenary Festival in St. Petersburg: A Report, no. 43, The Nabokovian, 1999, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov. II. Les Années américaines, 1999, Paris: Gallimard, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov: Die russischen Jahre, 1899-1940, 1999, Reinbek: Rowohlt, details ,
- The history of the Nabokovs’ house, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The Theme of Dr. Faustus in the Works of Pushkin and Nabokov, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov-Sirine: Les années européennes, v. 5, Cahiers de l'emigration russe, 1999, Paris, details ,
- “Interweaving of Time”: Pushkin, Nabokov, Bitov, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Pushkin, Nabokov, Akhmatova: metamorfizm russkogo liricheskogo romana, 1999, Chernivtsi: Ruta, details ,
- Female Adolescence in the American Novel: James, Nabokov and Oates, 1999, PhD diss., Boston University, details ,
- Sukkuba i Beatriche ili Zashchita Lolity: romany Nabokova 'Kamera obskura' i 'Lolita', v. 36, Seminarii literatury, 1999, details ,
- Nabokov's Painted Parchments, Zunshine, Lisa, ed., Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details ,
- Nabokov's (re)visions of Dostoevsky, Connolly, Julian W., ed., Nabokov and his Fiction: New Perspectives, 1999, Cambridge University Press, details ,
- The Quest for a Natural Melody in the Fiction of Vladimir Nabokov, Zunshine, Lisa, ed., Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details ,
- Nabokov and His Fiction: New Perspectives, Connolly, Julian W., ed., Nabokov and His Fiction: New Perspectives, 1999, Cambridge University Press, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov, 1999, Plymouth: Northcote House, details ,
- Optyka Nabokova, v. 4, Nabokovskiy vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Nabokov’s optics, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The gift of imagining facts': Vladimir Nabokov and the art of autobiography, Connolly, Julian W., ed., Nabokov and His Fiction: New Perspectives, 1999, Cambridge University Press, details ,
- Recollection, “Davno Znakomy Geniy", Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- The collection of memorial items in the V.V. Nabokov museum in Rozhdestveno and problems of its expansion, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Clio laughs last: Nabokov's answer to historicism, Connolly, Julian W., ed., Nabokov and His Fiction: New Perspectives, 1999, Cambridge University Press, details ,
- Nabokov, Dostoevsky, and "Dostoevskyness", v. 35, no. 4, Russian Studies in Literature, 1999, details ,
- From Pushkin's “Otchayanny Pobeg” to Nabokov's “Otchayanie”, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Pushkin's Shadow in Nabokov's Poetry, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- “Things gone mad.” The spatial form of sleep in the poetry of Vladimir Nabokov, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Nabokov as Pushkin's co-Author (the Final Act in “Rusalka”), Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Nabokov. Translation of “Eugene Onegin”, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Reconstruction of 47 Bol’shaia Morskaia St., v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Nabokov's Work on “Eugene Onegin”; Translation in His Correspondence with A. Yarmolinsky, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- "No Science Without Fancy, No Art Without Facts": The Lepidoptery of Vladimir Nabokov, Funke, Sarah, and Glenn Horowitz, eds., Véra’s Butterflies: First Editions by Vladimir Nabokov Inscribed to His Wife, 1999, New York: Glenn Horowitz, details ,
- Nabokov: Walks with Pushkin (“Mnemosynyst” in the Intertext), Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- On Some Allusions in V. Nabokov’s Works, no. 43, The Nabokovian, 1999, details ,
- Perilous Refuge: Art and Obsession in Three Novels by Vladimir Nabokov, 1999, PhD diss., Mississippi State University, details ,
- Neprochitannyi Nabokov. Rasskaz s privideniiami, v. 2, no. 35, Novaia Iunost', 1999, Moscow, details ,
- Podlinnyi prizrak. Koe-chto o nikem eshche ne prochitannoi knige Vladimira Nabokova, Ex libris Nezavisimaia gazeta, 1999, details ,
- Count Platon Aleksandrovich Zubov— Proprietor of house no. 47, Bol’shaya Morskaya st, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Variation of the integration of Gogolian receptions into Nabokov’s novels, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Ada's "Malbrough s'en va-t-en guerre", Zunshine, Lisa, ed., Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov and Rupert Brooke, Connolly, Julian W., ed., Nabokov and His Fiction: New Perspectives, 1999, Cambridge University Press, details ,
- Nabokov's Blues: The Scientific Odyssey of a Literary Genius, 1999, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Zoland Books, details ,
- The Theatre of Privacy: Vision, Self, and Narrative in Nabokov's Russian Language Novels, 1999, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- The Negative Ground of Fiction: Negation and Alterity in Kafka, Beckett, Nabokov, 1999, PhD diss., University of Toronto, details ,
- Silvery Light: The Real Life of Vladimir Nabokov, Edmunds, Jeff, ed., Zembla, 1999, Penn State University, details ,
- The history of one eŃ…hibit, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The present condition of the house at 47 Bol’shaya Morskaya, and an outline of plans for its restoration., v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The Rozhdestveno manor house: New details about its history and problems of its restoration, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Spatial form in Nabokov, Ishiguro, Auster: Connecting Postmodernism to Modernism, 1999, MA thesis, University of Alaska Anchorage, details ,
- Rozhdestveno as one genre of the Russian gentry estate house, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Benefits of Heterogeneous Habitat: Oviposition Preference and Immature Performance of Lycaeides melissa samuelis Nabokov (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), 1999, PhD diss., University of Minnesota, details ,
- The death of Cincinnatus C. (An experiment in the mythological interpretation of Nabokov’s novel “Invitation to a Beheading”), v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Pattern of Eternity: Pushkin the Graphist - Nabokov the Painter, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Secrets of Nabokov’s literary addressees: Gaito Gazdanov, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- La Mouette de Tchekhov (Saint-Pétersbourg, 1896) et L'Evénement de Nabokov (Paris, 1938), ou la similitude paradoxale, nos. 22-23, Le théâtre russe entre rêve et réalité, Slovo, 1999, details ,
- The labyrinth as a category of Nabokov’s play-centered poetics (based on the novel “Pale Fire”), v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Corpse et Representation dans L'oeuvre de Vladimir Nabokov, 1999, PhD diss., Paris Diderot University, details ,
- Pushkin's Image in Nabokov (Several Observations), Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- The reconstruction of the Rozhdestveno park as renaissance, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The Meaning and Morality of Lolita, v. 30, no. 1, The Philosophical Forum, 1999, details ,
- A. E. Egorov’s painting “Madonna with infant Christ and John the Baptist” (from the Nabokovs’ collection), v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The history of the estate house of Rozhdestveno and an outline of its development, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Genius and Plausibility: Suspension of Disbelief in Pale Fire, Zembla, 1999, details ,
- The Steel-and-Leather Guys, no. 42, The Nabokovian, 1999, details ,
- A. S. Pushkin in Nabokov's work between the two Wars, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- “Mme Lecerf, if I'm not mistaken?..”, no. 43, The Nabokovian, 1999, details ,
- Music in the Theater of the Mind: Opera and Vladimir Nabokov, Zunshine, Lisa, ed., Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details ,
- Two Poems by Pushkin in Nabokov's “Glory”, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Pushkin's iambics in Nabokov's “The Gift”, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Hra v románu VladimĂra Nabokova, 1999, details ,
- Aestheticism and Decadence in Nabokov's Lolita, The AnaChronisT, 1999, details ,
- Nabokov's The Real Life of Sebastian Knight or, What You Will, no. 5, Kodolányi Füzetek, 1999, Székesfehérvár: Kodolányi János University College, details ,
- The concept of play in Nabokov’s works (based on “The Defense” and “Pnin”), v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Nabokov’s sketches of Chekhov, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- “Magitcheski Cristall” (Nabokov's Optics), Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Sonnet by V. Nabokov “Pushkin's Death”, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Bol’shaya Morskaya: An Essay, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- European Art: A Framing Device?, Zunshine, Lisa, ed., Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details ,
- Specific functions of parentheses in Nabokov’s texts and problems of play-centered stylistics, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The 'Olgalized' Otherworld of Bend Sinister, v. 35, no. 4, Russian Studies in Literature, 1999, details ,
- Pninian Performatives, Zunshine, Lisa, ed., Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details ,
- And a Nearctic Zembla, no. 42, The Nabokovian, 1999, details ,
- Harlequin in Ada, no. 43, The Nabokovian, 1999, details ,
- The concept of “creativity” in Nabokov’s idiostyle, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- “The Venetian” by Nabokov (The Theme of Creativity in Pushkin and Nabokov), Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Paysages originels: récits, 1999, Paris: Seuil, details ,
- Pushkin in Nabokov's “Inverted Limelight”, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- VĂ©ra (Mrs. Vladimir Nabokov): Portrait of a Marriage, 1999, New York: Random House, details ,
- Comment dit-on 'mourir' en anglaise?: Translating Shakespeare in Nabokov's Pale Fire, Hoenselaars, Ton, and Marius Buning, eds., English Literature and the Other Languages, 1999, Amsterdam: Rodopi, details ,
- Nabokov's Paradise Lost: The Family Estates in Russia, 1999, St. Petersburg: Liga Plus, details ,
- The path of the exploit (A commentary on Nabokov’s novel “Glory”), v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- V. V. Rozanov in Nabokov's “The Gift”: About the Reception of Pushkin in the Silver Age, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Pushkin Subtext in Nabokov's Prose, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- From Nabokov's Private Library, no. 42, The Nabokovian, 1999, details ,
- Nabokov and Comic Art, Zunshine, Lisa, ed., Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details ,
- Otgoloski Tiuremnykh dosugov V. D. Nabokova v Priglashenii na kazn’, v. 5, Cahiers de l'émigration russe, 1999, Institut d'études slaves, Paris, details ,
- Setting His Myriad Faces in His Text: Nabokov's Authorial Presence Revisited, Connolly, Julian W., ed., Nabokov and His Fiction: New Perspectives, 1999, Cambridge University Press, details ,
- On the prospects for reconstructing the manorial complex of the Vyra estate., v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- After Rapture and Recapture: Transformations in the Drafts of Nabokov's Stories, v. 58, no. 4, The Russian Review, 1999, details ,
- Evreiskie voprosy v zhizni i tvorchestve Nabokova, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, no. 43, 1999, details ,
- Jewish Questions in Nabokov's Art and Life, Connolly, Julian W., ed., Nabokov and His Fiction: New Perspectives, 1999, Cambridge University Press, details ,
- Poetry, Exile, and Prophetic Mystification in 'Vasiliy Shishkov' (1939), Zembla, 1999, details ,
- The World of Nabokov's Stories, 1999, Austin: University of Texas Press, details ,
- The façade and interiors of the Nabokovs’ house, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The Polemics of Vladimir Nabokov and writers of the “Paris Note”, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The Wandering Jew in Nabokov's Work: The Theme of Pushkin and Chernyshevsky, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov et le thème du Juif errant, v. 22-23, Le théâtre russe entre rêve et réalité, Slovo, 1999, details ,
- Pushkin, Nabokov:“Na Svete Schast'ya Nyet, no Est' Pokoi i Volya”, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- “The Queen of Spades”, “Despair”, and the French Revolution, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- “Your breath, entering my chest, I return to you in verse” (V. Nabokov and A. Akhmatova), v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- A. A. Blok in Nabokov’s artistic reflections, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Pushkin's Subtexts in Nabokov's Contexts, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- The portrait of Gannibal from the Nabokov house, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The realia of ancestral nests in Nabokov’s texts, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- The Return of Charles Kinbote: Nabokov on Rorty, v. 23, no. 1, Philosophy and Literature, 1999, details ,
- Multilayered time in Nabokov, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The Narrator's Horizons in Pushkin and Nabokov, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Subject-Cases' and 'Book-Cases': Impostures and Forgeries from Poe to Austen, Merivale, Patricia, and Susan Elizabeth Sweeney, eds., Detecting Texts: The Metaphysical Detective Story from Poe to Postmodernism, 1999, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, details ,
- Ballet Attitudes: Nabokov's Lolita and Petipa's The Sleeping Beauty, Zunshine, Lisa, ed., Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details ,
- Fantasy, Folklore, and Finite Numbers in Nabokov's "A Nursery Tale", v. 43, no. 3, The Slavic and East European Journal, 1999, details ,
- Melville in Pale Fire, no. 42, The Nabokovian, 1999, details ,
- Russian Subtexts in Nabokov's Fiction: Four Essays, 1999, Tampere: Tampere University Press, details ,
- St. Petersburg in Nabokov’s Published Works, no. 42, The Nabokovian, 1999, details ,
- Poetics and bilingualism: an experiment in comparative analysis of V.V. Nabokov’s poetry, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Pushkin and Nabokov: The Experience of Cloning the Onegin Stanza in English, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- A history of the village of Rozhdestveno from the 16th to the 18th centuries, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Antiquity in Pushkin and Nabokov, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Nabokov’s dilogism—“The Potato Elf” and “The Dragon”, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- "The Dead Are Good Mixers": Nabokov's Version of Individualism, Connolly, Julian W., ed., Nabokov and His Fiction: New Perspectives, 1999, Cambridge University Press, details ,
- Pushkin and Chernyshevsky in the Context of “Dar”, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov: Blaue Abende in Berlin, 1999, Propyläen, Berlin, details ,
- The Batovo manor house and its owners, v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The Mimicry of Speech (“Eugene Onegin” and “Ada”), Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov v kontse stoletiia, v. 2, Special issue of Literaturnoe obozrenie, 1999, Moscow, details
- Vladimir Nabokov: k 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia, 4, Zvezda, 1999, details
- Otrechenie ot 'Lolity': Literaturnaia traditsiia i moral'naia tsenzura v sovremennoi amerikanskoi kritike, v. 4, Nabokovskiy vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The denial of “Lolita”: literary tradition and moral censorship in contemporary American criticism, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The Nabokov crest as subtext in the novel “Mary”, v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Tiaras and Triads in Speak, Memory, no. 43, The Nabokovian, 1999, details ,
- Literary Texts as Nonlinear Patterns: A Chaotics Reading of Rainforest, Transparent Things, Travesty, and Tristram Shandy, Gothenburg Studies in English, 1999, details ,
- Resonances of Popular Music in Lolita, Pale Fire, and Ada, Zunshine, Lisa, ed., Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details ,
- Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details ,
- Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock and Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire, Zunshine, Lisa, ed., Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details ,
- Introduction, Zunshine, Lisa, ed., Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details ,